This is Alyssa and I am here with Detty in her village outside of Salgótarján. Today, the Americans journeyed to Pest (the eastern part of Budapest). We began our adventure by attending a math lecture at

Műszaki Egyetem (Budapest University of Technology and Economics). The lecture, correct me if I am wrong, concerned number theory? After the
two hour lecture, we went to eat at a diner that serves local cuisine with American college students who are studying abroad for a semester at Műszaki Egyetem.

Some Payton students and teachers ate their lunch in a park nearby. Next, we visited the Nagy Zsinagóga (Great Synagouge) on Dohány Street in Central Pest. It was quite large and very beautiful. We also saw Imre Varga's weeping willow sculpture, a memorial to the 600,000 Hungarian Jews killed by the Nazis in World War II, in the rear courtyard of the Synagogue. Later, we went to the

House of Terror Museum which records the events that took place from 1936-- when the Hungarian Nazi party took over the building as its headquarters-- in graphic detail. After quickly browsing through the gift shop, we headed back to the school and were picked up by our hosts.
Here are some pictures of the trip from previous days. Enjoy!

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