Wednesday, March 26, 2008

HTHU (where H=Hungarian) [?]

As Jerry obtained an umbrella that acquired a significant amount of arbitrary importance, I felt it necessary to post some pictures that displayed its voyages.

Jerry and Danielle skip the streets of Budapest:

Mary Poppins pose:

Umbrella in a train station:

The Umbrella protected Jerry from the darkness of the Labyrinth:

The top of the umbrella:

The umbrella sits at the top of the castle in Holloko, not knowing that it is about to find a caring home:
It's love at first sight for Jerry and the umbrella:

Danielle can't help but be humbled by the sight of the umbrella and its beholder:

After providing Jerry with the strength to reach the top of the volcano in Kazar, the umbrella allows him to experience his "the hills are alive" moment alone with the expanse:

Jerry is ecstatic when the umbrella is opened and has... camels and chickens on it (??):

The first of many epic Battles of the Umbrellas:
And, of course, Mr. Karafiol and Alex acquired nice umbrellas, too, although neither was quite as arbitrarily significant as Jerry's. Some people have all the luck:

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