Monday, March 17, 2008

How much fun can you have in a castle?

These are mostly pictures from our visit to Hollókő castle, which is part of the World Heritage.

Sam fortifies himself with Hungarian flatbread before hiking up to the castle:

Bogi tries her hand at oenofacture. Doesn't everyone have an antique wine press in his backyard?

In the right environment, everyone is the same height!

Discipline tactics for disruptive students, part I:

Jerry uses his umbrella to illustrate topological properties of arrow slits:

Discipline tactics for unruly students, part II:

If our security guards had these, would anyone be late to class?

Jerry is blown away by the sheer beauty of it all:
Wait, maybe everyone DOES have one of these in his backyard!

Not so silly, except that the photographer is so rarely photographed:


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